Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Recent Happenings

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I came in pretty late, and found out that my room mate was already asleep and I didn't want to wake him up messing with my computer. There wasn't a lot to tell anyway.

I finished my registration process yesterday along with applying for a Stafford loan. It was a pretty crazy morning, but it all worked out. Today I had to take a Bible placement test. They basically told us that it doesn't matter what we score on the test. It's just to see where we are at. It's a good thing too, because being the laid back guy that I am, I was just slowly reading and answering the questions without even thinking about the time limit. I didn't even get a chance to fill in probably the last 10 answers. Add that to the fact that my cell phone rang twice in the middle of the test, and you have another interesting morning. My cell phone always rings at the worst possible moments. Ya know, I have heard rumors of a magical "Silent" feature, but I'm not sure I believe it exists. Actually, I just never remember to do that.

This is pretty fun though. I'm really enjoying it so far. My sister had a major blond moment yesterday that I'm feeling rather obligated to tell you about. We were in McKay's (a retail store that sells books, movies, and CDs at ridiculously low prices) looking at the books, and Thomas gave Jacqueline a hug. Technically, the college has a "No PDA" rule. For those of you who live under a rock don't know what PDA means, it stands for "Public Display of Affection". Anyway, when he hugged her, I said "Pu-dah!" Now, obviously "pu-dah" is not a word, so both Jacqueline and Thomas turned to me and said "what?" I said "Pu-dah." They asked what it meant and so to answer, I asked "How would you spell that?" Jacqueline answered without hesitation, "P-D-A" then there was a pause for a second or two and she burst out laughing. She said "I didn't even get that until after I said it!" It was funny. It may be because we are sleep deprived, but who cares? I say "More powdered sugar on my pancakes, Mommy!" (you're not supposed to understand that one)

While I am on the subject of McKay's, I'll just say that that place is going to be the death of my budget. But then again, where else can you get 2 Ted Dekker novels and a Mark Schultz CD for under twenty dollars? It's great....

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