Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Leave Presents!

I started classes today. Out of the Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes I have, Psychology was probably my least favorite, but today was only introductions and such, so that may change. One of the requirements for my Old Testament Survey class is that I write a blog every week on a specific topic that the professor will give us. I'm kinda excited about that. Maybe that can count as a good reason for this blog. It has given me some practice with that sort of thing. I will be getting the link to the course blog up as soon as I get it, so make sure to check that out. There might be some interesting insights on the topic of the week sometime.

I think that's going to be it for tonight. If anybody that reads this hasn't posted a comment or something, go ahead and leave me a link to your blog so I can read it sometime. Buenos Noches!


  1. Wow! I'm impressed! A blog entry requirement for Old Testament survey! I like it! Who is your teacher?

    I have been reading your blog for a few weeks, and I am really enjoying it! So, if I haven't commented before....well, I guess I have now.

  2. My OT Teacher is Ron Calloway. My sister has the same class with the same notes and requirements, though and she has John Murray as her teacher. I think they are taking that class over for Dr. Reed.
