Friday, August 22, 2008

It Never Ceases


I'd like to start out this post with a disclaimer. I have lost my right contact and I'm spending the night at my aunt and uncle's house, so I don't have another one. I cannot see well, so any spelling or grammer (wow, I misspelled "Grammar") errors that are not caught by the spell check are not my fault. Ok, maybe they are, but I'm going to blame them on.....Jon-Marc! Yeah...he will do.

Thanks Luke!

It never ceases to amaze me that I never cease to be amazed at anything and everything. For instance, I asked for some feedback on the benefits of blogging and Luke actually answered. I don't know why, but I never really expect people to answer my questions. I guess that would be a good question for my imaginary psychiatrist. On that note, I may need to talk to somebody about the fact that I have an imaginary psychiatrist. Anyway, I'm not going to rewrite what he wrote simply because I don't feel like being redundant, and I put a link right there. So go ahead and read it, and I'll wait. *humming the theme song from Jeopardy*

Oh, you're back already? Sweet. Well, I guess my main reason for blogging was to get a little experience in communication. The fact is, I often have trouble expressing what I'm actually trying to say in ways that other people can understand. In fact, there have been cases where I described what I was saying to one person until they understood, and then they translated into "normal people" English. It never ceases to amaze me how simple people can make my thoughts sound when I can't make them come out at all. haha

Anyway, like I said, at the least, it's some experience. I'm practicing writing. I'm learning to communicate. I am learning some basic HTML coding. I'm talking to people I didn't talk to otherwise. I stay much more informed just by reading the blogs of the people who read mine. A point Luke made was that a lot of convincing my dad will be about what he values personally. I think to try to sum up what he wants right now in a sentence would be something like: "I want Caleb to continue his education, and seek God's will in his life, and then follow it." That's an overly condensed version, but you get the idea.

I think a lot of his objections have to do with the fact that he doesn't identify with techy people. I think all he's ever known has been to expand your network of contacts and information sources by meeting people. He doesn't use his computer for that, so I don't think he really realizes that it's a possibility. If he wants to find information on the Internet, a lot of times he will ask me to look it up. So I think he would rather me be working more, or something. I'm not really even sure. I don't really understand. I am posting my blog at night, when I wouldn't be working anyway. You have to have some break from work or you will go crazy and die young (not to be blunt about it or anything)

I think it will just take some time for him to understand. I don't know. Maybe he never will. We will just have to wait and see.

Crazy People

It never ceases to amaze me how crazy people drive! Of course, I can't guarantee that the people who watch me drive don't think the same thing...


I am officially moved into the dorm of the Free Will Baptist Bible College! I'm so excited! Classes start Monday!

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