Friday, September 12, 2008

OT Survey Blog

The first blog post for my Old Testament Survey class was due today, so I was going to post it here as promised. However, it is not actually viewable to the public. So when my teacher said "blog", he really meant "discussion forum." For those of you who were looking forward to reading the posts, I am sorry for getting your hopes up. If you still want to read them, just let me know and I will copy and paste them here.

Have a nice day!


  1. Yes, post them. As one who has an addiction to theology, I would love to read them.

    BTW, call me. I sent you my number through Facebook.

    Paul C. Quillman

  2. ok, I will try to get that up pretty soon. I'm not going to guarantee that it will be theological though...some of my classmates are nuts...=)

  3. well, it looks like by the time I got this, the forum for the first post had already been taken down. I will make sure to put up this week's though
