Monday, September 1, 2008

A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes...W?

The random fact for this week is the one I actually promised I would give last week until I panicked and forgot about it, thus posting another random informational tidbit that was unexpected and nobody really needed to know.

Now, if you understood that, then that's amazing. Good job. If you didn't, you will just have to understand that I have had a very confusing and tiring week.

Anyway, for those hangman buffs out there...if you ever wanted a guaranteed win, Hangman (game)Image via Wikipedia don't use vowels. Or to put it more precisely, don't use "normal" vowels. See, there are actually two words in the English language that have a "W" for a vowel. If I remember correctly, they are Welsh loan-words. The first is "Cwm" and that's a cirque-like geographical feature. The second one is a "Crwth" which is an ancient stringed instrument similar to a lyre.

These are the best hangman words ever. I even warned the players that it was an unusual word, and that they should guess unlikely letters, and still they didn't get it. But you know, it's an easy win, plus you get a chance to make them think you have an amazing vocabulary. And that's last week's random fact given this week because last week's was actually rather random.

Not surprisingly, the spell check caught them....yet another indication that spell check is not reliable.

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